UPDATE Monday, April13, 6:30: This batch has been sold plus an extra request! Total raised today for SVDP is $120. Look for the next post of five new paintings coming Tuesday, April 14. Thank you, kind people.
SOLD (1. My Summer Dream) |
SOLD (2. Pink Blush) |
SOLD (3. My Weakness) |
SOLD (4. Fiddlehead) |
SOLD (5. Hi Sweetness!) |
1. Each business day from April 13-27, FIVE new paintings are posted.
2. 50 tiny paintings by Rose Bryant will be "exhibited". Each is an original (2.5 x 3.5 or 3x3 inches) on canvas.
3. Once you see a favorite, send a private message Art Up Front Street via facebook or an email to artupfrontstreet@gmail.com
4. Include: The numeral shown in the tiny painting photo and your name and address.
5. We mark "SOLD" on the online art photo(s).
6. Art Up Front Street mails your selection to you with a SASE enclosed.
7. You mail your check for $26 made out to Art Up Front Street, 120 Front St., Exeter, NH 03833.
8. If you purchase several paintings (as gifts), we can ship to different addresses.
9. The fundraiser will continue for 2 weeks or until all 50 paintings are sold... whichever comes first!
Thank you in advance.
Thank you in advance.
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Thanks for writing! I will get back to you shortly. Happy Arting!